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Lesson 30 Writing an E-mail in English-英语课件


Wang Mei has a new pen pal.Her name is Jessica.She is fromAfrica. This is Wang Mei's first email to her.
Dear Jessica,
Let me introduce myself. My name is Wang Mei. I'm twelve yearsold.l live with my mother and father. I have no brothers or sisters,but I have many friends. I am 1.6 metres tall. I like to play chess.Last year, I won first place in my school. My favourite food isnoodles. I can make noodles myself!

Do you study any other languages in school? I am learningEnglish now.I want to have some more Englishspeakingfriends.Learning English opens the world up to me.In this email, I am trying to use some new words.I willteach you some words in my language.Can you say,“Nihao”?That means,“Hello”. Try it!

Here is a picture of me.What do you look like? Canyou send me a photo of yourself? I'm looking
forward to your reply.
Your new Chinese friend,Wang Mei


