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Lesson 32 I Can't Wait for Winter-英语课件


Jenny:Hey, Danny! What are you doing?
Danny: TI'm doing some research for my report aboutmy favourite season. I'm going to talk about winter.Winter is my favourite season. Look at this website:
Come and enjoy a true Canadian winter out in themountains. Start your day on the ski hills or go iceskating. But don't forget your scarves,hats and gloves.Why? Winters here are really cold!

Have lunch in our worldclass restaurant and thengo back outside for a snowball fight. You can even getthe family together and make a snowman. In theevening, you can join us inside for dinner.Winter isthe best season ! Enjoy a clear, cold night beside awarm fire.
Hope to see you there!

Jenny: Wow! That looks really good, Danny. Look atthat picture! What a cold, snowy day!
Danny: It's amazing! I can't wait for winter. I'mgoing to have a great time!

Learning Tip
When it is very cold outside, we get ice and snow.Ice is very hard and you can skate on it.
Snow is soft and white. You can go skiing or play inthe snow.


