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19-20 Unit 4 Section Ⅰ Reading(Starting out & Understanding ideas)-英语课件


How to make friends
Many teenagers find it hard to make friends.It is NOT! Here aresome ways for them.

Make the first move.Don't be shy,because it won't help you inanything.Look around for someone that seems interesting,and then talkto them.A good subject to talk about to anyone is music,because almosteverybody likes music. You can ask someone what kind of music they likeand start a cool conversation with them and even find things incommon.Other topics could be movies or sports.Keep away from thosesubjects like politics, religion,relationship problems and drama.

Be nice.How do you expect them to like you if you are not nice? Put acalm smile on your face and find out what you and the person you are tryingto be friends have in common.You'll be able to be more comfortable if you find out that other person has things in common with you.

Be a good listener.Pay attention to what they say, look straight in theireyes and show you're paying attention.It's important to be a good listener,because everyone likes to be heard.If this person feels like you're listeningto them, your new friend will enjoy talking with you more.

Develop friendships. You may talk to someone now but soon they'llforget you if you stop.You'd better take a time to say hi to them every dayand ask what they're doing.Say their names as often as you can.If you dothat every day,they'll be happy that you care about them and rememberthem,so they won't forget you and they will become your good friends.


