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Unit 8 Topic 1 Section B-英语课件


1a Look,listen and say.(In a clothing store)
.Jane: Maria, look! Kangkang and Michael are over there.
Maria: Oh, everyone is preparing for our fashion show.
Jane: Hi,Kangkang.What would you like to buy?
Kangkang:  I'd like this T-shirt and the cotton pants with two big pockets.What do you think of them?
Jane:  They look very nice. What about you, Michael?
Michael:  l want to buy a windbreaker so that I will look great.
Maria:  What size do you take?
Michael:  Size M. How about the blue one?
Jane & Maria: Perfect!
Kangkang: It's such a cool windbreaker that you should buy it
at once.What do you want, Jane?
Jane: l want a purple silk hat and a cotton dress.
Maria: And I want a leather jacket.


