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Unit 8 Topic 2 Section A-英语课件


1b. Listen to 1a and answer the following questions.
1.What are Miss Wang and the children mainly talking about?They are talking something about school uniforms.
2.Do all the children like school uniforms? No,they don't.
3.What is Jane's idea?
She thinks they can design their own uniforms by themselves.4.What's Miss Wang's suggestion?
She suggests that the children should survey he students aboutstyles of uniforms before designing their own uniforms.

Miss Wang: Boys and girls,our schoolplans to make uniforms for you.Jane:Kangkang, can you tell me what Miss Wang says?
Kangkang: She says that our schoolplans to make uniforms for us.Maria: l like to wear my own clothes because schooluniforms will look ugly on us.
Michael: Not really.It depends on who will design our uniforms.
Jane; l think we can design our own uniforms by ourselves.
Kangkang: Good idea! It's true that suitable uniforms can show good discipline.
Miss Wang: I agree with you.You’ d better survey the students about styles of uniforms.Then you can design your own uniforms, and you’llbe glad towear them.


