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上海教育版英语五年级上册Unit 10《Wind》ppt课件-英语课件


Who is wearing a T-shirt? A T-shirt, a T-shirt!
Who is wearing a T-shirt? Please stand up!
Who is wearing a jacket? A jacket, a jacket!
Who is wearing a jacket? Please stand up!
Who is wearing a dress? A dress, a dress!
Who is wearing a dress? Please stand up!
Here comes a big wind! A big wind, a big wind.Here comes a big wind!
It blows away the clothes!

1. My mother has a new dress. She is happy.
2.The children are playing football happily.
3. The boys fly kites happily in the park.
4. l am happy with my new toy.

1.Listen to and read pages 68, 69 and 72.
2. Copy these words and sentences:
- gently, strongly, slowly, quickly
- The children are flying their kites happily.
3. Finish Workbook pages 56 and 58.


