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UNIT 5 Section A Listening and Speaking-英语课件


Mozart composed his first song when he was four years old evenbefore he had learned to read.Shortly before his fifth birthday he wasable to learn a scherzo in 30 minutes.He published his first composition when he was eight years old. Once he picked up a violin and though he had never had a violinlesson,he was able to sight read perfectly a piece written for theviolin.At a later time while visiting Rome he heard a choral workbeing performed and was able to remember it and write it down notefor note.His father was amazed.

词海拾贝 ①compose vt.创作②publish vt.发表③perform wt.表演4absorb vt.吸收concert n.音乐会典句欣赏 Mozart composed his first song when he was four years old evenbefore he had learned to read. 翻译:莫扎特四岁时创作了他的第一首歌,这甚至是在他学会阅读之前。 分析:本句是一个复合句。Mozart composed...是主句,when和before引导的都是时间状语从句。


