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Unit 7《Films》2-英语课件


I .汉译英1.超越 2.梦想成为一个歌手3.以模特为职业4.吸引某人的注意5.扮演主角 6.标志着……的开始7.在人的一生中8.基于 9.最后一次露面10.平静地去世

Ⅲ.任务型阅读 Surfing the Intermet can help open students'eyes and get more knowledge.As a teacher,1 encourage my students to use the Internet.In class those students who surf the Intemet understandlessons better than the others.Besides,people can use the Intemet to write letters or stories and sendemails.Many students communicate with their friends online.You can also make friends by chattingon QQ.It is cheaper than calling somebody far away and it’s also much quicker.Nearly one third ofthe young people surf the Intermet for fun.They like to listen to music,watch films,and go to theirfavourite stars’ websites.But can the Intemet cause problems?Some of my students who used tostudy well at school are now failing exams.Because they spend a lot of time playing computergames.


