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牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 2《Colour》(Revision)课件-英语课件


根据中文意思,用正确的形式完成句子。 1.Calm coloursepresent_(代表)axed(放松的)moods. 2. I'm in a goodpood__(心情)now for I saw arainbow_(彩虹) this afternoon. 3. Yellow canemind_(提醒)you of a warm,sunny day. 4. Grace Alexis issatisfied_(满意的) with theclimatc_(气候)in Australia. 5. Everyone seemed to have a secret or wasjust not acting normally (正常地). Their behaviour(行为举止[不可数名词])was alittle strange.

表达与运用 Green is one of energetic colours. Green cangive us energy(给我们能量)and represent new life and growth(新的生命和成长). Red is one of strong colours.Wearing red can also make it easier for ustotake actioR采取行动). This can help when youhave difficulty making a做决定有困难). decision Therefore , colours play an important role in our daily lives. When youare in a bad moo心情不好时),you can ask Mrs rainbow fosome advice(一些建议).She also can help you choose the right colourto wear. For example, people with dark hair and dark skok good in red and purper红色和紫色好看).People with pale skin(苍白皮肤的人)and blonde hair lookgood in orange and green. You will discover howthe power of colour(颜色的力量) can change yourmoods and improves your life.


