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牛津译林版七年级下册Unit 8《Pets》(Integrated skills)课件-英语课件


Young Pet Owners Club says that:
1. It's a good idea to change the waterevery week.You should change the water everyweek.
2.It's important to make sure the water is not too cold or too hot.You must make sure the water is nottoo cold or too hot.
3.It's a good idea to put some stones at the bottom of the tank.You should put some stones at the bottom of the tank.
4. It's not a good idea to give it too much food. You shouldn't give it too much food.
5. It's not a good idea to put yourgoldfish in the sun.You shouldn't put your goldfish inthe sun.
6. It's very important not to take it outof the water.You mustn 't take it out of the water.


