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4 The WWF is working hard to save them-英语课件


Write a passage about an animal in danger. Use youranswers in Activity 5 and the following example tohelp you.
Pandas live in Southeast China.They are in danger andthe situation is getting very difficult. First, pandas donot have many babies,and baby pandas often die.Second, pandas eat bamboo, but the bamboo forests aregetting smaller. So the government is setting up natureparks with a lot of bamboo to help protect pandas.

Possible answer:
The tiger is an animal in danger. First,there are very few in the wild now.Second, the forests where tigers live aredisappearing. Third, people are killingtigers. So tigers need forests to live in,and people need to stop killing them.

1. Remember the key words and phrases.
2. Read the passage in Activity and retell it.
3. Write a passage about an animal in danger.


