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1 Future Transportation-英语课件


Hello everyone! My name is Sam.
What type of transportation would I like to seein the future? I would like to see hoverboards. Ahoverboard would be like a skateboard, but itwouldn't have any wheels. It would go really fast,and the ride would be very smooth. How would ahoverboard float? 1 have no idea. But it would begreat! I hope someone will invent one in the future.

Maybe someone will invent a transporter, too.A transporter would send you from one place toanother very, very quickly. Today, it takes elevenhours to fly from Canada to China. But with atransporter, it would take just a few seconds.Atransporter would allow you to travel at the speedof light.

I like to watch TV shows about space andspaceships. The shows are about the future,notabout today! In these shows, people use new formsof transportation all the time. 


