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冀教版八年级下册英语课件:Unit 8 Lesson 47-英语课件


The natural world is filled with living things.Living things start out weak and small and slowlygrow strong and big. You are a living thing. Eachof your classmates is a living thing. Flowers, grassand trees are living things, too.

Bees, ants, doves, dogs and cats - these are allliving things.
All living things need food and water to grow.Think about yourself. When you are hungry, youneed to eat. You eat fruit, vegetables, meat andfish. They can help you grow big and strong. Youdrink water when you are thirsty. Now thinkabout a tree. When a tree is hungry, it gets foodfrom the soil.Trees drink water, too.

We are different in some ways, but all livingthings are connected. We all live on the sameplanet, and we depend on each other. If we pollutethe rivers and oceans, fish may get sick or evendie. Some birds live off fish. If the birds eat thesick or dead fish, they may die off. Nature is abalance between all the living things on the planet. If one species dies off, then anotherspecies may die off, followed by another, andanother..

we should respect the earth and all theliving things on it.


