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新目标版英语八上Unit 4《What’s the best movie theater》(Section A)课件1-英语课件


be close to接近于;在....的近旁
The population of the city is close to a million.这个城市的人口接近一百万。
My home is close to the cinema, so I often goto see a film.我家离电影院很近,所以我经常去看电影。

A: Hello! I'm a reporter. Can I ask you some questions?
B: Sure.
A: What's the best clothing store in town?B: I think Miller's is the best.
A: Why do you think so?B: Well, Miller's has ...

Greg is new in town. Here is a dialogbetween Greg and Helen, one of hiswarm-hearted neighbors. Please readthe dialog silently first and underlineall superlative forms of adjectives andadverbs.

Greg: Hi, I'm new in town.
Helen: Hi, I'm Helen. Welcome to the neighborhood!How do you like it so far?
Greg: It's fantastic, but I still don't really know myway around.
Helen: Well, the best supermarket is on the CenterStreet. You can buy the freshest food there.
Greg: Oh, great. Is there a cinema around here? I lovewatching movies.
Helen: Yes, Sun Cinema is the newest one. You can sitthe most comfortably because they have the biggestseats.
Greg:Thanks for telling me.Helen: No problem.

Greg: Hi, I'm new in town.
Helen: Hi, I'm Helen. Welcome to the neighborhood!How do you like it so far?
Greg: It's fantastic, but I still don't really know myway around.
Helen: Well, the best supermarket is on the CenterStreet. You can buy the freshest food there.
Greg: Oh, great. Is there a cinema around here? I lovewatching movies.
Helen: Yes, Sun Cinema is the newest one. You can sitthe most comfortably because they have the biggestseats.
Greg: Thanks for telling me.Helen: No problem.


