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Section Ⅷ Assessing Your Progress-英语课件


1.You ought to diet(节食) and take more exercise.
2.The_ audience(观众) was/were enthusiastic on the opening night of the play.
3.They found the fox by following its tracks(足迹) in the snow.
4.Every time I met with difficulties,I would ask my host(主人) family,mytutor or others for help.
5.When the ship was damaged by a typhoon,the _captain_(船长) refused to leavehis sinking ship.
6.Germany will compete against Spain for the_ champion(冠军) tonight.
7.Miss Yang is our favorite teacher,whom we honor (尊重) most.
8.Susan never cheated_(作弊) in her exams,because she laid great stress on properbehavior.

1.As your fitness (fit) level increases, you will find that you can work harder thanbefore.
2.i tried to persuade him to give up _ drinking (drink),but he wouldn't listen to me.
3.i have hardly enoughstrength (strong) left to more my feet.
4. They cut_out__ a piece of muscle from my leg and looked at it under amicroscope.
5.When her mother came into her room,Mary pretended to be sleeping (sleep).
6.Children prefer to stay at home rather thango out with you.


