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Unit 2 Exploring English-英语课件


How English Became So Popular
With more than 350 million people around the world speakingEnglish as a first language and more than 430 million speaking it asa second language, there are so many English speakers in mostcountries around the world. Why is English so popular?

People often call English the international language of businessMany of the best MBA programs are taught in English, so speakingit well can put you in a position to get the best training. Mostcompanies require a certain degree of English proficiency(能力), soin order to get a position with a top company, more and more peopleare learming English.
In the field of science, you should pay much attention toEnglish too. Much of the technical terminology(术语) is based

on English words, and if you want to learn about the latestdevelopments and discoveries from around the world, you'll readabout them in magazines and research reports published in English.
English also opens doors in the academic(学术的)world.If thebest program in your field is in an English-speaking country, Englishwill give you the opportunity to study with the top scholars (学者).As well as studying and teaching, taking part in internationalconferences and publishing in foreign magazines are some of thekey steps to success in academia. In order to speak at theseconferences or publish in these magazines,excellent English isnecessary.

So,what's stopping you from leaming this global language?With all the resources(资源) available on the Internet and so manyother English speakers around the world to practice with, there'snever been a better time to start learming English. Pick up a book,learn a few words, or even start a course today and take your firststeps towards becoming one of nearly 800 million English speakersin the world.


