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Unit 5《Art world》5-英语课件


I.阅读理解 I arived at the 57th St.Subway Station in New York City at about 10 p.m.one evening on my way home.The platform is long and there weren ' t many people around.I could hear the weak sound of a violin.As I listened,it appeared to be coming from the other end of the station and it sounded like Mendelsohn' s violin concerto(协奏曲) without the orchestra(乐队).I took a walk along the platform until I reached where the sounds came from.There was a young man playing the concerto and playing very. well too.A small crowd had been there to listen and had become so interested in the music that they were ltting trains go without getting on them.More people came to listen as a few passengers got off each train.At the end of the piece there was a stormy cheer from the listeners and we all left some money for him.I wanted to hear more,so I asked him to play the Bruch concerto,which he did while I let several more trains go without me.I finally went home,feeling the pleasure of such music.


